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Haze Piece Leveling Guide and How to Level Up Fast

Want to level up fast in Haze Piece? Have a read of our leveling guide to help you reach your maximum potential.
Haze Piece Leveling Guide and How to Level Up Fast
Haze Studios

Have you been enjoying playing Haze Piece? Haze Piece is one of the newest games on Roblox that has caught everyone's attention. The game is based on the famous One Piece anime where players can use a variety of Devil Fruits to give them some powerful abilities. The Devil Fruit you get will dramatically change how the game is played for you.

Haze Piece is a great game that you can play if you are a fan of One Piece. Not only are there powerful Devil Fruit that you can collect, but iconic weapons like Shusui as well. Players can use both to make their character stronger and take on all challenges that come in front of them. But to be safe, we have this leveling guide to tell you where you should go based on your current level in Haze Piece.

Haze Piece Leveling Location Guide

Haze Piece Leveling Guide
Players can get some very powerful abilities in Haze Piece. (Picture: Haze Studios)

Haze Piece works like an RPG. In Haze Piece, players can defeat enemies and then level up. One of the things that make Haze Piece so interesting is that at the very beginning, players can go to any location. But players should only visit them when they are strong enough. Here is a list of locations and the suggested levels players should be in Haze Piece.

  • Starter Island: Levels 1-40
  • Clown Island: Levels 40-90
  • Shark Park: Levels 90-160
  • Desert Ruins: Levels 160-250
  • Sea Restaurant: Levels 250-350
  • Logue City: Levels 350-450
  • Tall Woods: Levels 450-600
  • Marine Base Town: Levels 600-700
  • Three Islands: Levels 700-800
  • Marine HQ: Levels 800-950
  • Sky Island: Levels 950-1150
  • Revolutionary Island: Levels 1150-1300
  • Impel Jail: Levels 1300-1450
  • Half Hot/Half Cold Island: Levels 1450-1600
  • Fishman Island: Levels 1600-1750
  • Skull Island: Levels 1750-1900
  • Bubble Island: Levels 1900-2050

As you can see, there are a lot of locations and some of the level requirements for them are very high. You should not try to go to Marine HQ if you are only level 180. That is why it is important that you stay within your level range because if you do not, it can be very easy to lose progress and get defeated in Haze Piece.

How To Level Up Fast In Haze Piece

Haze Piece leveling guide
Make sure you are in the right location for your level in Haze Piece. (Picture: Haze Studios)

Now you might be wondering how in the world you can get to that high of a level in Haze Piece. Thankfully, the leveling process is pretty fast, so long as you have the right Devil Fruit and weapons. For us, we suggest that you grab yourself an uncommon Smoke Fruit to level up. The Smoke Fruit prevents you from getting damaged by much lower-level enemies.

The next thing you should do is go to an island that is one step below your level. For example, if you are level 95, you will want to level on Clown Island rather than Shark Park. What you need to do is repeatedly complete easy quests on that lower-level island to level up fast in Haze Piece. Doing this will spike your levels at a much faster rate than playing normally.