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New Xbox Series X logo trademarked by Microsoft

A new Xbox Series X logo has seemingly been revealed, with Microsoft registering a new trademark filing for the console.
New Xbox Series X logo trademarked by Microsoft

Microsoft has registered a new Xbox Series X logo, according to a new trademark filing.

While it hasn’t been officially revealed, Microsoft has registered the new logo design on Justia trademarks, which was later posted on Reddit

The logo itself is a slight departure from past Xbox branding, although it’s pretty distinctive (and snazzy) too. You can check it out below. 

Xbox Series X logo
The new logo trademarked by Microsoft

Assassin's Creed vibes, anyone?

The Xbox Series X was initially revealed in December last year at The Game Awards, with the console’s full specifications being released since. 

A blowout event is expected from Microsoft in the coming months, with some predicting it could even happen in May 2020. 

Sony have been slower to roll details out for their PS5 console, revealing the logo earlier this year, some specifications, before dropping the new controller DualSense in a PlayStation blog post.